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Using Power Automate with real-time journeys

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Just wondering if people have experience using custom triggers in real time journeys to trigger a power automate flow and how it fares with large numbers. A simple case I have is:

Enter campaign
Custom trigger (add to marketing list)
Send Email
Wait 7 days
Custom trigger (remove from marketing list)

In this case the marketing list would be used to suppress people from other campaigns that are running. This all works on a handful of records, but what if I throw 50000 records at it?
Throttle limits and general sense is that Power Automate is not really up to large numbers. If so, how would I handle a case like this?
  • jwcpc Profile Picture
    jwcpc on at
    Using Power Automate with real-time journeys
    Thanks for testing this. I don't suppose you know how to remove a contact from a list using Power Automate:

    I'm getting a error:
    EdmEntityObject passed should have the key property value set.
    Currently I'm passing list id as row id, contact id as entityid_value and I've tried various different values as Entitytype, but keep getting same error?
  • Suggested answer
    Cui Hao Profile Picture
    Cui Hao on at
    Using Power Automate with real-time journeys

    We have tested it for your needs.

    The flow is designed as follows:
    Actioninputs msdynmkt_profileid : Represents the contact id passed from the journey to the flow. 
    Row id : The row id represents a specific marketing list id.

    The journey is designed as follows:

    For this test, we added 7000 records. That's roughly 3 entries per second, or about 5,000 entries in half an hour.
    If you want to achieve 50,000 records, it might take about 5 hours.
    This is my personal test, the above is for reference only.

    Best regards,
    Hugh Cui

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