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Notification to that no vendor record exists for employee creating expense report

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Good day Dynamics community,
My client is a service delivery organization and many (but not all) employees will need to submit expense reports.
In an effort to reduce unused vendor accounts and save time during employee onboarding, it was asked if there was any options for a notification to be created if the employee did not have a vendor account associated with their employee record.

Desired process would be:
Employee Creates Expense Report
Employee Submits to Workflow
Expense Report Approved
<If Employee not associated to Vendor, notification sent>
Post Expense Reports
Has anyone implemented anything similar, or ideas on how we could achieve this? 
  • Morgan Bazin Profile Picture
    Morgan Bazin on at
    Notification to that no vendor record exists for employee creating expense report
    Thanks to you both - appreciated!
  • Andre Arnaud de Calavon Profile Picture
    Andre Arnaud de Cal... Super User on at
    Notification to that no vendor record exists for employee creating expense report
    Hi Morgan,
    Anthony is correct about using business events. Workflow actions can be enabled as business events. This is a configuration and not a customization. You can then create a Power Automate flow to send a notification. You can even automate the creation of a vendor account based on the Employee details using Power Automate.
  • Suggested answer
    Notification to that no vendor record exists for employee creating expense report
    I would probably be doing something with custom business events & Logic Apps or Power Automate.

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