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D365 Finance - Settlement of Invoices/Payments

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Hi All,
I have an environment where invoices have been created through invoice journals and payments have been posted similarly through GL journals. This has led to a scenario where customer's have the correct balance on account but there are 1000s of open invoices as they haven't been settled off against each other. Is there a way to bulk settle transactions? This needs tidied up and a manual activity would be possible through the settle transactions view but would probably take weeks as opposed to hours.
  • Andre Arnaud de Calavon Profile Picture
    Andre Arnaud de Cal... Super User on at
    D365 Finance - Settlement of Invoices/Payments
    Hi James,
    For how many customers do you need to settle the transactions? Per customer, you can mass-mark the transactions and then post the settlement.
  • Verified answer
    BillurSamdancioglu Profile Picture
    BillurSamdancioglu Super User on at
    D365 Finance - Settlement of Invoices/Payments
    There is no option for that OOB. As a workaround, use payment proposal and select all but while the balance will be 0 and can't post the journal fill with for example 0.01 amount and offset the same vendor with auto settle. This may create some additional transactions but the balance will be correct.

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