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Power Automate Error while rendering

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Im working on a power automate flow. 
When im trying to edit the flow in the editor I get the following message:
Error message: An error occurred while rendering: Failed to execute 'btoa' on 'Window': The string to be encoded contains characters outside of the Latin1 range.
This occurs when editing the flow not running it. 
Any help to fix this would be greatly appreciated. 
  • Suggested answer
    Tom_G Profile Picture
    Tom_G on at
    Power Automate Error while rendering
    I haven't encountered this error myself, but the text of it seems to indicate that there is some sort of special character somewhere that is causing an issue (outside of Latin1 range being the key portion of the error).
    Do you have any steps named with a non-standard character, or did you copy and paste some value into one of your steps that may include a non-standard English language character? Otherwise, it could be simply that the new editor has a bug with some language processing and rendering characters if you are not using English inputs that needs to be resolved by Microsoft. I don't think it is anything you can set or configure yourself.
  • Power Automate Error while rendering
    It is true that switching to the old editor can avoid this error, but I am not very good at using the old editor.
    Is there any way to avoid this error in the new editor?
    Do you know what causes this error?
    Thank you for your reply.
  • Suggested answer
    Tom_G Profile Picture
    Tom_G on at
    Power Automate Error while rendering
    Is this happening in the new designer experience? I've seen some weird errors occurring in the new editor that are then resolved when going back to the classic editor.
    If you don't have a toggle to switch to the old editor, check the URL of your flow. if it ends with "v3=true", switch it to "v2=false" and it will force the old editor.
  • Power Automate Error while rendering
    I have the same problem.

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