You can automatically split large received quantities into smaller put-away tasks by utilizing the license plate grouping functionality.
See below
1 - Item setup for unit sequence group and unit conversions as below
unit conversions as below
2 - Create a purchase order for an item for 500 Pcs
3 - Setup mobile device menu to allow for license plate grouping
4 - Receive all 500 pcs in mobile device in one go. (System will automatically split the quantity)
5 - System generated 5 put away work for 1 PL each. Every pallet has its own license plate number. all set for the Fork lift guy to move them to racking.
So license plate grouping is sued to group all units smaller than PL in this case and in another sense split a bulk qty into 5 PLs. Its all perspective.
Also you can do user defined split which is an option in the mobile device menu.
For instance, if the user specifies a quantity of 4 and selects the unit as a pallet (PL), the system will generate four license plates, each representing 1 pallet (1 PL).