I have changed my server ax 2012, new domains , updated ax2012 and updated my old Data base.
After all this updation process when workflow is started , all work flow runs smoothly and when the approver approves the workflow flow, it dose not reponds and the error pops up in the error window.This workflow is attached on Purchase requistion .//
failed to find execution event handler class of automated workflow
Hi Junaid,
The reply from Judy is related to a fixed bug in Dynamics 365. As you are using AX 2012, this mentioned issue is not your resolution. Anyway, it can be a similar bug. You can search on LCS issue search for possible known issues and hotfixes. Have you also tried installing the latest available service updates?
failed to find execution event handler class of automated workflow
Hi Junaid,
There are a lot of changes. What exactly was updated when you talk about updated AX2012 and old Database? Was a correct CIL created using the compilation and build process? Did you synchronize the database?
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