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Set up assets question.

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I just started looking at the set for the Dynamics 365 Field Services Trial and would like to get through the setup with one account before I move to a purchase or hire a consultant.  Already I have run into a very elementary question about data set up!  
As an example, say my company tests water supply wells at many locations, on many accounts.  Should we set up: Account, Functional Location, Assets=AccountNameWell1, AccountNameWell2 as two different 'assets', or Set up an asset named Water Supply Well and then add Existing Asset (water supply well) twice?  I'm not sure of the ramifications with each choice.  Also, if I have an Account that has two water supply wells (defined as Assets) and one has treatment components. Can I add, 'child assets' to the parent asset (water supply well 1)?    
  • Suggested answer
    dmarcelop Profile Picture
    dmarcelop 2 on at
    Set up assets question.
    I'm in agreement with Rudy. Accounts are generally modeled to represent the logical company/client/customer.  Their physical location can be modeled as functional or service locations and the wells appear to be physical assets.
    I'm a visual learner, so the method I use to understand the problem is to graphically model the domain environment with diagrams before setting up any data.  You must understand the relationships between entities and model them appropriately before you setting up your data.  I'm probably showing my age, but I recommend taking a look at the Unified Modeling Language (UML) or any other modeling tools/concepts.  They help you visualize data relationships so that you can see your challenges before committing them to code.
    Hope this helps,
  • RudyZhang Profile Picture
    RudyZhang Microsoft Employee on at
    Set up assets question.
    We have analyzed your needs and here is the suggested approach to data structure
    1. Account: This should represent your customers. If a customer has multiple locations, they can all be grouped into one account.
    2. Functional Location: This represents the physical location where the service is to be provided. If a customer has multiple service locations (e.g., different water supply wells), a separate functional location should be created for each location.
    3. Assets: These are the items to be served. In your case, each water supply well can be an asset. If the well has other components, such as a treatment component, it can be set up as a "Child Asset" under the "Parent Asset" (water well).
    The above are just some of my personal opinions, you need to design a specific solution for your business.
    I hope my answer is helpful to you! If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact me.
    Best Regards,
    Rudy Zhang

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