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Report Print Layout Onepager

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Hello everyone,

I'm seeking assistance with a rather frustrating issue concerning our aggregated Profit and Loss (P&L) report. Despite my best efforts, I can't seem to get the report to fit on a single page or generate a well-formatted PDF. Both the last two columns and the lines within the report break onto the second page during printing, making it difficult to present the report effectively.

To complicate matters further, the printer options seem to offer no help or customizable settings to address this problem. As a beginner in handling report-related challenges, I'm at a loss for how to resolve this issue.

I'd greatly appreciate any guidance or step-by-step instructions from more experienced members of this forum. I'd prefer to avoid making any changes to the report layout, as it's already optimized for readability. Is there a beginner-friendly solution or alternative approach that I can try to ensure the report prints seamlessly on one page or generates a well-formatted PDF?

Thank you kindly for your time and patience. Your assistance would be immensely helpful in overcoming this obstacle.

Best regards, Marcel

  • Suggested answer
    Steven Renders Profile Picture
    Steven Renders 4,978 Super User on at
    Report Print Layout Onepager
    In RDLC there's a simple rule: Width Body + Left Margin + Right Margin < Width Report.
    If this is not the case you will get empty pages in between pages with dta.
    In RDLC you can also set the page to Landscape.
    So, make sure your body is not too big and remove LM + RM :-)
  • Patricia Oh Profile Picture
    Patricia Oh 32 on at
    Report Print Layout Onepager
    Hi Marcel,
    Have your concern resolved?
  • MNoelle Profile Picture
    MNoelle 4 on at
    Report Print Layout Onepager
    Hi Narang,
    thank you for your quick response! We are using the Version 22.2.56969.57282 SaaS.
    Im using the following standard report. ./FinancialMgt/FinancialReports/AccountSchedule.rdlc
    The report itself works fine in terms of numbers and calculations. However due to the design of having the month Jan, Feb, March,..., Dez + cumulative fiscal year as columns the page brakes on another side when being printed or downloaded as pdf. In addition the page also brakes in the vertical dimension (revenue - all the different expense accounts - pretax profit).
    Im searching for a function where I just can scale the report on one page. Comparable to excels function "Page Layout/Width 1 page + Page Layout/heights 1 Page.
    Regards, Marcel
  • NAV_with_Narang Profile Picture
    NAV_with_Narang 2,216 Super User on at
    RE: Report Print Layout Onepager

    Hi Marcel - Please highlight to the community which version of Business Central you are using, wheather if it is a SaaS or a On-Prem deployment

    Also, from which page you generate this report? Is this report a customized one?

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