Hi all.
I'm currently authoring a guide in the PC app of Dynamics 365 guides but a noticed that it is not possible to create parallèle steps.
I've created a guide looking like this :
Task 1 : Normal Step - Question Step - Normal Step containing a message if the answer selected is correct - Normal Step containing a message if the answer selected is not correct
Task 2 : Noram Step - Normal Step - Question Step - Normal Step containing a message if the answer selected is correct - Normal Step containing a message if the answer selected is not correct
Achievement step.
The users must access the following task that's why i didn't put any achievement step in the task 1. My problem is that if for exemple the user select the correct answer in the task 1 and get redirected to the Normal Step containing a message if the answer selected is correct, if he click next to see the next step he is going to see the Normal Step containing a message if the answer selected is not correct. The my guide to skip automaticaly the Normal Step containing a message if the answer selected is not correct. Do you have any idea of how to deal with it please?