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Missing Permissions in the environment when accessing my customer Voice

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I am having trouble accessing a customer voice that was built some time ago. Whenever I try to access it I get the error below
I have attempted to follow the below instructions and I can see that I have project owner permission and so do the other users
If you open up the Dynamics environment that the Customer Voice Project is tied to, then navigate to settings > security > users > open up the affected user > click drop down next to name > select security roles > manage roles > assign the role /Project Owner/ to the user to see if that resolves the permission error.
If I go to setup a new New Project I get an error stated below:
I even created a new Test environment and I get the same error.
Is anyone else having this error or is it just me. I have tried in another Office 365 tenant that has never used Microsoft Dynamics and I got the same error. So I am not sure if Microsoft Dynamics trial is broken or there is something I need to do advanced to get the permissions working.
  • Verified answer
    Missing Permissions in the environment when accessing my customer Voice
    I was able to get this working again by assigning the license for Microsoft Dynamics 365.

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