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Profile Hydration fails systematically when creating Customer Profiles

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 We are deploying a CID implementation together with a CI Journeys one. They both share the same Dataverse.
Every time I try to create customer profiles I get the same error at the Customer Profile stage, that stops all other calculations.
We have been trying to define the unified customer in several different ways, added and removed records, we basically not know where else to go look for the error. Our process:
  • Includes in unify the entity Contact from Dataverse through the Microsoft Dataverse connector
  • Entity Contact primary key is ContactId
  • We are not using our own data lake to write output
Has anything like this happened to you?
Any ideas where the error might be or where to get more information about what is going on?
  • Laura Padovani Profile Picture
    Laura Padovani 12 on at
    Profile Hydration fails systematically when creating Customer Profiles
    I get the same exact error. 
    My Customer profiles activity refreshed fine one month ago. Since then, I haven't changed my Customer data source, but I am retrieving this error and I don't know what to do to avoid it.
    This is preventing my Activities to refresh. 
    Did you manage to solve the issue? 
    Thank you,
  • DavidBest Profile Picture
    DavidBest 37 on at
    Profile Hydration fails systematically when creating Customer Profiles
    Hi there Pablo,
    Our configuration is different to yours but we receive an alert to say that customer profile hydration is skipped.
    We use BYOD (bring your own data lake) to export profiles, segments and measures to data lake.

    This process/feature also caused a bug during its release late last year and required a rollback via product team.

    It has been fixed now and we simply see the skipped process rather than an error like you're receiving.

    Not sure if this is helpful at all.

  • Dengliang Li Profile Picture
    Dengliang Li Microsoft Employee on at
    Profile Hydration fails systematically when creating Customer Profiles
    I did not reproduce your issue in my testing.
    I am using the Dynamics 365 Customer Insights - Data trial and Customer Insights - Journeys trial.
    My CID environment and CJ environment share different Dataverse.
    However, I can still create customer profiles in CID environment regarding contacts in CJ environment.

    According to the official documentation.
    Get started using a single data source - Dynamics 365 Customer Insights | Microsoft Learn
    If you're a US customer, you can create the customer profile by importing CSV file.
    Best Regards,
    Dengliang Li

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