Hello! I am working with this invoice capture Power App, with Type = PO Invoice and I received the following error: Purchase order CO-000000417 from vendor V-000000011 cannot be found in legal entity BFC.
This error is received only for Purchase order with extended PurchaseType.
When I tried to change the Purchase order from the list of all POs form, I saw only the Purchase orders with Purchase type = Purchase order.
I want to understand how this process works, where the configurations for these are done, and where I can make changes.
Invoice capture - doesn't work for extended purchase type
In fact, communication with Power Apps is done through entity data. In my case, the entity for the Purchase table is the following and has a filter on PurchType = Purch. How could I remove this filter via extension or connect to Power Apps via another customer entity (without filter)?
Invoice capture - doesn't work for extended purchase type
I see. That's what I assumed but wanted to confirm. You'll need to customize Invoice capture in Power Automate to recognize your new extension and pass the correct values.
Invoice capture - doesn't work for extended purchase type
What is Extended PurchaseType?
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