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Unable to open project due to missing permissions in the environment

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I tried to open some Projects but was unable to and got the error: /Unable to open project due to missing permissions in the environment. Contact your Admin./
I am a global admin and I also have Project Owner permissions on these projects. Seems to be a new issue in Customer Voice as I've seen a few other people post about this.
I wasn't able to create a support ticket in the Power Platform Admin Centre. Has anyone found a fix yet?
  • Unable to open project due to missing permissions in the environment
    Same here. Unable to create or access to Customer Voice Project, even being global administrator.
  • Unable to open project due to missing permissions in the environment
    Our started working again as well.  We didn't do anything and were unable to even contact support...  Still have no idea how to get support on this USL product code.
  • OneEyedJack Profile Picture
    OneEyedJack 45 on at
    Unable to open project due to missing permissions in the environment
    Same problem here and it followed the same date pattern as previous posts.
    Subscription looks good so I don't understand.  I have events coming up and not having access to this data is a big problem
    <-- non-profit

    Both Service requests I entered were closed without resolution.
    Sent 2 emails and received no response based on this:
    Unable to open any project? Ensure that you have an active subscription for Dynamics 365 Customer Voice. If you're unable to use the product, contact us at:
  • Suggested answer
    Unable to open project due to missing permissions in the environment
    From MS Support

    "we discovered that your current license is a trial version. After discussing your issue with our Product Group as I told you, we have managed to extend your trial license for a brief period.

    At your earliest convenience, please verify if this extension has been activated. If so, you should now be able to purchase a Dynamics 365 Enterprise license, which includes the Customer Voice functionality.

    Any users with USL for Trial license are in trouble and need to start shelling out.
  • Unable to open project due to missing permissions in the environment
    My Flows that rely on Dynamics 365 started working again this morning.
  • Unable to open project due to missing permissions in the environment
    I've had to open a support ticket, what every change they made to Customer Voice has broke a whole lot of flows and power apps for my org.
  • Taffy Osborne Profile Picture
    Taffy Osborne 12 on at
    Unable to open project due to missing permissions in the environment
    Also getting this error intermitently. Will point our IT team at this thread but updates here would be appreciated as it's clearly effecting more than just us.
  • Unable to open project due to missing permissions in the environment
    My company is in the same boat. Only a couple of users have access to this, but yesterday it started issuing this error.

    Any updates on this? 
  • Jenone C Profile Picture
    Jenone C 56 on at
    Unable to open project due to missing permissions in the environment
    It was working fine till last week. (I tried accessing customer voice project on 2nd Feb 2024 and it was working fine)
    But, from the start of this week (from 5th Feb), it is not working.
    Now, we are not able to access existing project surveys as well as not able to create new project because of this permission issue.
  • Community member Profile Picture
    Community member 11 on at
    Unable to open project due to missing permissions in the environment
    Same here. I created around 4 Survey's for which I was collecting responses. Now from last 2-3 days, I am not even able to open the Project. Same Error , "Unable to open project due to missing permissions in the environment. Contact Admin". I am having all the permissions.
    Is this due to batch update, or any other new policy of Microsoft.
    Management is waiting for the responses report, and I am stuck with opening the Project. I tried duplicating the existing, same error. I created a new project, its allowing to create but then I am not able to open the same.
    Something funny happening.
    Any luck with anyone ? Do help others. 

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