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Create survey invite using rest api.

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Posted on by 12
I know I can perform this from power automate/Logic app but I am looking to do it from an external system via rest.
I have created a token and I can insert data into the survey invite table in dynamics crm but I cannot generate the survey invite url.
Is this possible through dynamics or do I need to also use the forms pro api? I cannot find any information on it so far but I assume it must exist as it is used by Power Automate and Logic Apps.
Thanks in advance for any feedback.
  • planeflake Profile Picture
    planeflake 12 on at
    Create survey invite using rest api.
    I never found an endpoint for this so I created a logic app to do this and then setup an endpoint on the logic app. I hope this helps.
  • Suggested answer
    Adrian Begovich Profile Picture
    Adrian Begovich 20,332 Super User on at
    Create survey invite using rest api.
  • Create survey invite using rest api.
    Did you find a solution to this? We have the same scenario and cant really find a solution using the REST Api

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