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Clarification of 'Time off' and 'Non-working' rules in Bookable Resource's work hours

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First forum contribution from my side here - so please excuse if I am missing some basics.

When managing a bookable resource's working hours using their calendar, different 'rules' (events/series) can be created:

'Working hours' is clear - it's what defines the resource's capacity.

  1. But what are 'Time off' and 'Non-working' rules/events/series?
    1. And how do they differ?
    2. I tried to find some answers in the documentation but couldn't find more than a side note here Define resource calendars. It only states 'non-working time can also be specified for the rule.'
  2. More specifically, it is of interest to understand if 'Non-working' and 'Time off' rules have different effects on the resource's availability, and
  3. what is best practice or general logic behind the two.
  4. For example,
    1. it seems natural to use 'time off' for vacation.
    2. But what about 'non-working', would that be better suited for illness/maturity leaves?
    3. What would the difference be to simply reducing work hours, as one would do for part-time employees?

Thanks in advance, 


  • COPE Profile Picture
    COPE on at
    Clarification of 'Time off' and 'Non-working' rules in Bookable Resource's work hours
    My understanding is that the Non-working and Time Off can be use to distinguish the Statutory holiday and Vacations when you have an intergration with HR per exemple 
  • Suggested answer
    Clarification of 'Time off' and 'Non-working' rules in Bookable Resource's work hours
    From my experience, both Time Off and Non Working operate the same way technically. 
    If a Resource has Time Off or Non working hours then they wont show on the schedule assistant for those days as available to book and their calendar on the Schedule Board will be greyed out rather than white as a visual indicator to show they are not working
    Time Off = Vacation
    Non Working = Everything else which isnt vacation

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