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create notes with attachments.

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Hi community,

Is there a way to add notes with attachments to an custom entity?

I am using the below code from (Create Notes with Attachment using Web API in Dynamics 365 - Nebulaa IT Solutions | Nebulaa IT Solutions)
var note = {};

note.subject = "Notes Subject";

note.notetext = "Notes Text";

note.filename = "FileName.txt";

note.documentbody = "Base64String";

note["objectid_contact@odata.bind"] = "/contacts(00000000-0000-0000-000000000000)";

Xrm.WebApi.createRecord("annotation", note).then(

function success(result) {



function(error) {



But i get error Xrm error.
I know it is depricated,
But Xrm.WebApi.offline shoudl work, but i does not 
Xrm.WebApi.offline (Client API reference) in model-driven apps - Power Apps | Microsoft Learn

I am lost, any help is apperciated.
  • Cui Hao Profile Picture
    Cui Hao on at
    create notes with attachments.
    Do you have any other questions? If you have any other questions feel free to ask me.
    If it solved your problem, please mark it as verified to help other community members find more. 
    Best regards,
    Cui Hao
  • Suggested answer
    Cui Hao Profile Picture
    Cui Hao on at
    create notes with attachments.

    After testing, I think you are getting an error in getting the contactId.

    I have changed your code and you can add it to the onload event.
    This code now dynamically gets the guid for the current contact and then creates a note with an attachment. I have successfully run this code.

    The code is as follows:
    function createNoteWithCurrentEntity(executionContext) {
        var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
        var note = {};
        note.subject = "Notes Subject";
        note.notetext = "Notes Text";
        note.filename = "FileName.txt";
        note.documentbody = "Base64String";
        var entityId =[{}]/g, "");
        note["objectid_contact@odata.bind"] = "/contacts(" + entityId + ")";
        Xrm.WebApi.createRecord("annotation", note).then(
        function success(result) {
        function(error) {

    If my answer was helpful, please click Like, and if it solved your problem, please mark it as verified to help other community members find more. If you have further questions, please feel free to contact me.

    Best regards,
    Cui Hao

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