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Call PowerAutomate from middle of a Customer journey

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Hi All,

Getting started with D365 customer insights Journey , I am in search of how would you call PowerAutomate flow to insert a record in database from in middle of a journey

To be more accurate:
1. Customer journey starts with new record created.
2. Sends email to contact that the record got created .
3. Then you will need to create/insert  a record in db(dataverse) about this new contact and some more attribute.(Call PowerAutomate flow)
How this can be done using power automate (Instant flow or automate flow) not sure and also how to pass attributes from email to database table?
Providing steps or any link will be much appreciated.

Thank you in advance,

  • Call PowerAutomate from middle of a Customer journey
    Thank you @paulineKolde
  • Verified answer
    PaulineKolde Profile Picture
    PaulineKolde on at
    Call PowerAutomate from middle of a Customer journey
    Hi Sasi, 
    you can do this with a custom trigger, a journey and a powerautomate:
    1. Create trigger (here you can also add attributes with different data types to add)
    2. Create PowerAutomate (Use the trigger "When an action is performed) and add the next steps you need
    3. Create the journey (here you can pass on information to the attribute1 that you set in the powerautomate to the field where you need to have it) 

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