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Unable to create project due to environment permissions issue

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Posted on by 15

I'm a system administrator with access to both our prod and sandbox Dynamics environments, but for some reason I am not able to create a project in Customer Voice in either of these. I am ONLY able to create a new Customer Voice Project in our default environment. The error I'm receiving says "Try another environment or request access from your admin". 

I had no problem creating projects in our sandbox environment about a month ago (was doing some testing) - I have no idea what has changed. We did recently refresh our sandbox instance (wrote over old version with new test data). 

Any ideas?

  • Unable to create project due to environment permissions issue
    Same problem for us as well. We cannot access projects: "Unable to open project due to missing permissions in the environment XXXX. Contact your admin. I can't create ticket anymore. It seems MSFT decided to change things overnight without providing ample notifications. this is bad product update
  • Suggested answer
    RE: Unable to create project due to environment permissions issue

    In my Case worked different.

    The user that is trying to Create the Survey, despite all Security Roles attached, Admin in Portal Office, SysAdmin in CRM, in CRM his license type is Basic. Switched this to Professional solved the issue. My user can now create Projects / Surveys in Production environment.

    Hope this helps.license-type.jpg

  • RE: Unable to create project due to environment permissions issue

    Hi, the Support could solve the Issue.

    We had the Solution Installed - so that was not the Problem - but with the Solution there was also a User called "Microsoft Forms Pro" created. This user was disabled in the Environmant where it did not work. As we enabled the User it was possible to create the Projects.

  • Suggested answer
    Welly Lee Profile Picture
    Welly Lee on at
    RE: Unable to create project due to environment permissions issue

    Walter Deworezky -- does the Dataverse you use have Customer Voice solution installed. If the Dataverse is part of Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement (sales/customer service/marketing) then Customer Voice solution is already installed. Otherwise, you need to install from

  • RE: Unable to create project due to environment permissions issue


    as we have the same Problem here.

    Did you get any Feedback on this. Do you have a Resolution for us?

    I opened a Case but Support s struggeling to solve it.


  • katiesouder Profile Picture
    katiesouder 15 on at
    RE: Unable to create project due to environment permissions issue

    Thanks Sanjay - just sent an email to them this morning!

  • Suggested answer
    Sanjay Kasat Profile Picture
    Sanjay Kasat on at
    RE: Unable to create project due to environment permissions issue

    If the problem is not solved after adding the Project Owner role, please send org id details to We can take a look at it.

  • katiesouder Profile Picture
    katiesouder 15 on at
    RE: Unable to create project due to environment permissions issue

    Thanks Sanjay, but I already have the "Project Owner" role assigned to myself in both environments (which really shouldn't be necessary as a system admin - but I did try this just for good measure!)

  • Suggested answer
    Sanjay Kasat Profile Picture
    Sanjay Kasat on at
    RE: Unable to create project due to environment permissions issue

    You need to have 'Project Owner' role in the environment to be able to create surveys in that environment. For default environment, you are automatically assigned this role when you sign up for Customer Voice. You can find details here: Connect Dynamics 365 Customer Voice with your environment | Microsoft Docs

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