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Transfer order with advanced warehouse reversal

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Hi all,
Anyone has experience extending D365 to allow Transfer order with advanced warehouse to be reversed?
  • Robert Linggoputro Profile Picture
    Robert Linggoputro 136 on at
    Transfer order with advanced warehouse reversal
    Hi Fasih, thanks for your response. Canceling the shipment is not available if there is any related work order (advanced warehouse is used):
  • Suggested answer
    Fasih Profile Picture
    Fasih 170 on at
    Transfer order with advanced warehouse reversal

    Yes, you can cancel/reverse a shipped transfer order in Dynamics 365. The cancellation process will reverse the transactions and create a new record in the Transfer order history showing the reversals.
    Here are the steps on how to cancel/reverse a shipped transfer order in D365:
    1. Open the transfer order that you want to cancel.
    2. On the Transfer order tab, click the Transfer order history button.
              3. Locate the posted shipment that you want to reverse and make sure it has not yet been received. Click the cancel button.
    The system will reverse the transactions and create a new record in the Transfer order history showing the reversals.
    Here are some additional things to keep in mind when canceling/reversing a shipped transfer order:
    • You can only cancel/reverse a shipped transfer order if the shipment has not been received yet.
    • If you cancel/reverse a shipped transfer order that has already been partially received, the system will reverse the transactions for the part of the shipment that has not been received yet.
    • When you cancel/reverse a shipped transfer order, the system will automatically cancel any corresponding product receipts that have been created for the shipment.
    I hope this helps!

  • Robert Linggoputro Profile Picture
    Robert Linggoputro 136 on at
    Transfer order with advanced warehouse reversal
    Hi Ivdtang, thank you for your reply.
    I was actually after a way to cancel/reverse a shipped transfer order. So the Inventory has been shipped awaiting to be received on the to warehouse.
  • lvdtang Profile Picture
    lvdtang 1,134 on at
    Transfer order with advanced warehouse reversal
    You can try to cancel the work and then try to remove the shipment and load. 
    Best regards,
  • Robert Linggoputro Profile Picture
    Robert Linggoputro 136 on at
    Transfer order with advanced warehouse reversal
    Hi Hana,
    Thank you for your response.
    I believe if the advanced warehouse is not used, we can cancel the shipped transfer order. Microsoft introduced that functionality a while back. I am just wondering if anyone  has tried to modify the behaviour so that this cancelling function can be used for Transfer order shipped using the advanced warehouse?
  • Suggested answer
    Hana Xue Profile Picture
    Hana Xue Microsoft Employee on at
    Transfer order with advanced warehouse reversal
    You can refer to this blog, which mentions that there are situations where the wrong transfer order has been shipped and to reverse the shipment, one would try to unship it like a sales order. Do not attempt this since it’s not a supported functionality. The transfer order uses an in-transit warehouse, and a shipped transfer order has created inventory in that transit-warehouse that is reserved by the expected receiving transaction. The reversal of that double transaction would be a lot more complicated than for a sales order. It simply does not work, and this has nothing to do with Advanced Warehousing.
    If a transfer order has been shipped by mistake there is only one solution: Receive it and create a new transfer in the other direction, returning the items to their FROM warehouse.
    For more details, you can view the link below:
    Best Regards,

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