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Compensation management in HR module D365

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Hello experts,
We are using some fields in the HR module of D365 such as adding an employee, positions/reports to etc.  (without D365 payroll - we use another vendor for that). We use project management also and with that submitting timesheets. 
With the existing set-up, our management just wants to add the pay-scale (band and salary) so that they can see personal costs. The compensation management in the HR module could be an answer to this. My question is - Is the compensation management not a standard package? Couldnt see it in the feature management as well. 
Any other suggestions are welcome too. 
  • Compensation management in HR module D365

    Compensation management in Dynamics 365 Human Resources (D365 HR) involves handling the various aspects of employee compensation within the Human Resources module of the Dynamics 365 suite. Here are some key features and processes related to compensation management in D365 HR:

    1. Compensation Plans:

      • D365 HR allows you to create and manage compensation plans. These plans define the structure and rules for compensating employees. You can set up different plans for various employee groups or roles.
    2. Salary Structures:

      • Define salary structures within compensation plans to specify how salary components are configured. This can include base salary, bonuses, allowances, and other forms of compensation.
    3. Grades and Steps:

      • Set up grade and step structures to organize employees based on their roles and experience levels. These structures help determine salary levels within the organization.
    4. Compensation Cycles:

      • Define compensation review cycles to manage when and how often employee compensation is reviewed and adjusted. This could be an annual or periodic process.
    5. Compensation Adjustment and Planning:

      • Perform compensation adjustments based on employee performance, market trends, or other factors. D365 HR provides tools for planning and executing salary adjustments.
    6. Budgeting and Analytics:

      • Allocate and manage budgets for compensation. The system may provide analytics and reporting features to analyze compensation data and trends.
    7. Integration with Performance Management:

      • Integration with performance management modules allows for a more holistic approach to compensation, tying employee performance and achievements to compensation decisions.
    8. Workflow and Approvals:

      • Implement workflows for compensation adjustments that involve multiple levels of approval. This ensures that adjustments go through the necessary review processes.
    9. Global Compensation Management:

      • D365 HR supports global compensation management, allowing organizations with an international presence to manage compensation in multiple currencies and adhere to local regulations.
    10. Employee Self-Service:

      • Provide employees with self-service capabilities to view their compensation details, access statements, and understand how various components contribute to their overall compensation.
    11. Compliance and Regulations:

      • Ensure that the compensation management processes adhere to legal and regulatory requirements, both at the national and international levels.
  • Suggested answer
    Parag Chapre Profile Picture
    Parag Chapre 12,231 Super User on at
    Compensation management in HR module D365
    Hi Sakthy,
    What roles are assigned to you? This can be because of security permissions.
  • Suggested answer
    Hana Xue Profile Picture
    Hana Xue Microsoft Employee on at
    Compensation management in HR module D365
    I can also see this workspace in the trail environment. You can check if the system is the latest version and if you have permission to access this workspace. Or check if the workspace is hidden.
    Best Regards,
  • Sakthy M Profile Picture
    Sakthy M 32 on at
    Compensation management in HR module D365
    Hello Parag,
    Thanks for letting me know that this is a standard one. I only see this much. 
  • Suggested answer
    Parag Chapre Profile Picture
    Parag Chapre 12,231 Super User on at
    Compensation management in HR module D365
    Hi Sakthy,
    It should be a part of standard package. If you go to Human Resources module, do you see attached screenshot options?
    Parag Chapre
    Microsoft MVP.
    Follow my blog for Dynamics 365 Human Resources updates.
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  • André Arnaud de Calavon Profile Picture
    André Arnaud de Cal... 284,876 Super User on at
    Compensation management in HR module D365
    Moved the question to the Dynamics 365 Human Resources forum.

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