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Stock Status versus HITB

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Good day,
I am looking at a stock status for a location and not seeing a value. I went to the item quantities Smartlist and I am seeing 3 items with a returned quantity. When I pull a HITB for the same location I am seeing a negative value, with quit a few items and the items that have a quantity returned are not included in the HITB.
The location was merged into another so I'm trying to clean up what is there since with the merge everything should have gone across. My question is where do I start and what should I look for.
I am thinking if it is not in the stock status the value is not recorded in the GL?? And what do I do with the negative value the HITB is seeing?
  • RR-07061806-0 Profile Picture
    RR-07061806-0 45 on at
    Stock Status versus HITB
    Good day,
    Lisa, thank you for your response, I understand where you're coming from and yes, I will try this in our Test company and see how things work out.
  • Verified answer
    Lisa at Profile Picture
    Lisa at 2,976 on at
    Stock Status versus HITB
    >>I don't understand your statement, 'were the posting accounts set up in a way that the GL is correct even though Stock Status is wrong'.
    Rosemary - 
    I have seen people set up their Returned Posting Account in a way that things appear in balance (when Returned quantities are hanging out there).
    If you have access to a Test Company, I recommend testing how things look if you transfer the Returned Quantity Type (Transactions > Inventory > Transfer Entry) and then see how the HITB and Stock Status appear for the item. 

    There is also the Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Routines > Reconcile to GL option for inventory that may help.

    A test company will be your best friend in this process.
  • Verified answer
    RR-07061806-0 Profile Picture
    RR-07061806-0 45 on at
    Stock Status versus HITB
    Thank you Lisa and Beat for your response.
    I hope I don't sound too confused, the GL and the HITB does not balance, in attempting to identify the inconsistencies the quantity returned was observed. Yes, there has been multiple Inventory Reconciles but normally the option to include history is usually unticked. I do think the merger may have contributed to some of the differences. 
    Lisa, it was when I included the different qty types that I saw a value for the returned items which referenced the GL Inventory account. I like the suggestions and questions asked, yes there are multiple variables, but I think if the returned quantities are transferred to a specific location, it may help identify why the GL is out of balance.
    I don't understand your statement, 'were the posting accounts set up in a way that the GL is correct even though Stock Status is wrong'.
  • Beat Bucher  GP Geek  GPUG All Star Profile Picture
    Beat Bucher GP Gee... 28,009 Super User on at
    Stock Status versus HITB
    To add to what Lisa already said, have you run an Inventory Reconcile after the locations were merged ?  GP might not have updated all the quantities after the merger... 
  • Suggested answer
    Lisa at Profile Picture
    Lisa at 2,976 on at
    Stock Status versus HITB
    Ugh.  Using any Qty Type than "On Hand" can be tricky to report.  Stock Status only recognizes the On Hand Quantity.

    HITB has the option to include other Qty Types.  

    Regarding clean-up, if the issue is the Returns should be part of On Hand, you'll need to do an Inventory Transfer to move the Quantity Type = Returned to Quantity Type = On Hand (keeping the site the same).

    There are lots of variables to determine the actual cleanup process.  (For example, were the posting accounts set up in a way that the GL is correct even though Stock Status is wrong?  Is SS and HITB in balance?  Should the returns not be returned to On Hand?  Do you need a separate Returned site?)

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