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Can we check the fields, whether any specific field being used in Power automate?

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Posted on by 348
Hi All,
I have a scenario, where we are removing few fields from the system and we wanna use some other fields instead of those, so is there any way to check, like in which power automate those fields are being used?
Like we can generally check the dependencies, but there I am not able to track the power automate regarding dependency.
Please suggest any way to check.
  • Suggested answer
    Fubar Profile Picture
    Fubar on at
    Can we check the fields, whether any specific field being used in Power automate?
     You can add multiple flows to a Dataverse Solution (i.e. don't use a Flow solution).
  • Suggested answer
    DarkKnight Profile Picture
    DarkKnight 4 on at
    Can we check the fields, whether any specific field being used in Power automate?
    Due to limitation with the current system, when you check the dependency using solution, it will not show any dependency if the field is used in power automate.
  • Himanshu Kamboj Profile Picture
    Himanshu Kamboj 348 on at
    Can we check the fields, whether any specific field being used in Power automate?
    Hi Fubar,
    I got your point, Is there any way to bulk export(all power Automates), because we have so many power automates at our end. 
  • Suggested answer
    Pradeep Rai Profile Picture
    Pradeep Rai 5,483 Super User on at
    Can we check the fields, whether any specific field being used in Power automate?
    Not possible.

    You need to manually prepare the details.
    You can post suggestion in below link:
    Thank You,
    Pradeep Rai.
  • Suggested answer
    Fubar Profile Picture
    Fubar on at
    Can we check the fields, whether any specific field being used in Power automate?
    Not really.  The work around is to package up the Flows in a Solution, export it and then unzip it, each Flow will be a file with JSON in it, then text search in the files for the schema name (Notepad++ has a find in files where you can point it at a directory, believe Visual studio and other tools have a similar feature) - its still a pain, particularly if it is a common field like the primary name, but better than nothing.
  • Leah Ju Profile Picture
    Leah Ju Microsoft Employee on at
    Can we check the fields, whether any specific field being used in Power automate?
    Hi Partner,
    Unfortunately, we don't seem to be able to check which fields are used in Power Automate.

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