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Error in Starting or Estimating Production Orders

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Hey after the updating D365 Finance and Operations 10.0.39 we are getting a error when we try estimate or start product orders.
Error says /A container for table (BOMCalcTable) was packed with more fields than are currently defined on the table and cannot be safely unpacked. The container will need to be recreated with the new table metadata in order to be unpacked correctly./
Its only happening both sandbox and production envoriment. Perfectly works on dev. I would like to say its related to database sync but i dont know how to do that on cloud hosted. Does anyone have any suggestion ?
Already tried to reset usage data.
Its seems like same problem with but there is no valid sugestion.
  • Ferhat.S Profile Picture
    Ferhat.S 211 on at
    Error in Starting or Estimating Production Orders
    Hey Guys,

    Yeah  we all facing same issue. While we talking microsoft about the problem i did debug connected sandbox db to dev machine. While debugging found the one of while loop bomcaltrans container trying to get info but the error message happening there.
    So either re estimate cost on that products or deleting colum both works but i can suggest you re estimate cost that spesific product.
  • Error in Starting or Estimating Production Orders
    Thank you GuyUK!
    good to know that there is a Quality update already. We have to wait for the weekend in order to deploy the update.
    However, in the meantime, I traced the error back to a calculated activated cost on one of the subassemblies.
    The cost price holds a warning log, but the warning container cannot be unpacked and an error is thrown.

    Manually entering and activating the cost price solves the issue as well in my case.
  • Suggested answer
    GuyUK Profile Picture
    GuyUK 28,349 on at
    Error in Starting or Estimating Production Orders
    This is a known issue in 10.0.39. You can resolve it by installing the latest quality update (it was fixed in 10.0.1860.94).
    More details can be found in LCS Issue Search, by searching 926975.
    The cause was the removal of an obsolete field (SysRowVersionNumber) from the BOMCalcTable. The quality update adds this field back in.
  • Error in Starting or Estimating Production Orders
    we have exactly the same error since 10.0.39.
    It happens when estimating (production) Batch Orders, where the formula (BOM) has an item which is a subproduction. 
    Already cleared user settings etc.
    We don't think it is data related, as we were able to hook up the dataset to a DEVbox on 10.0.37, where we could perfectly estimate and schedule the production. When debugging we could not identify a clear cause.
  • Ferhat.S Profile Picture
    Ferhat.S 211 on at
    Error in Starting or Estimating Production Orders
    Hey Kevin,
    Already pointed that one and i tried all steps its not fixed my issue. Thats why i open a post.
  • Suggested answer
    Kevin Xia Profile Picture
    Kevin Xia Microsoft Employee on at
    Error in Starting or Estimating Production Orders
    Similar problems have been raised before on the forum and solutions have been found, you can refer to this old thread: Error in editing and saving data on sales order details form (

    1. Go to settings > user options.

    2. Reset usage data

    3. Retry your process to check if you still get that error message, if it works then please remember to mark it as verified answer & help others.

    Best regards,
  • Ferhat.S Profile Picture
    Ferhat.S 211 on at
    Error in Starting or Estimating Production Orders
    Hey Andre,
    i tried. But its not fixed sadly i created ticket.
    Thank you very much.
  • André Arnaud de Calavon Profile Picture
    André Arnaud de Cal... 284,876 Super User on at
    Error in Starting or Estimating Production Orders
    Hi Ferhat,
    The next page gives information about how to enable the Maintenance mode and after that how to disable it. When disabling the maintenance mode, the DB will be synchronized.
  • Ferhat.S Profile Picture
    Ferhat.S 211 on at
    Error in Starting or Estimating Production Orders
    Hey Andre,
    Yes seems like we miss that when we  testing. Could you give me any resource about db sync because i couldn't find any resource about it ?
    Thank you very much for interesting.
  • Suggested answer
    André Arnaud de Calavon Profile Picture
    André Arnaud de Cal... 284,876 Super User on at
    Error in Starting or Estimating Production Orders
    Hi Ferhat,
    Did you miss this during testing the sandbox before taking it to production? You can enforce a DB sync when putting the environment in maintenance mode, once available wait about 10 minutes, and disable maintenance mode. I do hope this help otherwise you might need to review possible customizations or create a ticket for Microsoft Support.

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