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Contact details of the person on the quotation template

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Hello everyone, 
I have a problem, I have created a whole offer template with all the data, but I cannot extract in any way the data of the person for whom I create the offer. In my case it is always primary contact from opportunity.
Can you please help? 
Thank you 
  • JeroenS Profile Picture
    JeroenS on at
    Contact details of the person on the quotation template
    You can also introduce the account and or contact field to the quote entity right?
    Then update the mapping between the entities and it will be available for your quote template
  • Suggested answer
    Daivat Profile Picture
    Daivat 199 on at
    Contact details of the person on the quotation template
    Based on the OOB Document template functionality, you can only go one level forward or backward to the linked entity. 
    If you are using Quote as a main entity to create a document, you can only look for the linked entity as Quote Product, Opportunity, and Potential Customer (Lookup to Account/Contact as customer lookup)
    If you are setting up an Account and Contact both on Opportunity, by default Account value will flow to Quote as Potential Customer. 
    Possible Solutions,
    1. Adding Custom Fields (type Formula) for all required values from Contact in the below fashion 
    2. Can you 3rd party solution (like Document Core Pack) that will allow you to extract data from more linked tables. 

    Daivat Vartak
  • JakobOrneberg Profile Picture
    JakobOrneberg 7 on at
    Contact details of the person on the quotation template
    I assume you create a Word Templete? 
    Ensure that all relations are choosen to be sure that you have connected the relevant column you are looking for. It is not possible to add relationships afterwards, you need to redo the process unfortunately. 
    // Jakob
  • Contact details of the person on the quotation template
     Yes of course sorry for my lack of experience. 
    I am using MS Word in developer mode to create my shblons, and I need a variable that will return the contact details of the person marked as a priority contact. 
  • Sohom Ghorai Profile Picture
    Sohom Ghorai 31 on at
    Contact details of the person on the quotation template
    Can you please provide some more details like how you are creating template ? Like using a automated tool or developing your custom logic . 

    If you are using any tool  . Please follow their documentation for Linking related entities and fetch data . 
    Or else if you are developing your own logic then scenario will be different and getting the data will be lot easier . 

    PS - Feel free to contact for any details required regarding the approach you have made . 
  • pavanmanideep Profile Picture
    pavanmanideep 1,329 on at
    Contact details of the person on the quotation template
    Let us know how you created the offer template so that we can suggest..
    If my response was helpful, please click 'Like.' To confirm the solution, mark it as 'Verified' to help others find right solutions. For further queries, feel free to reach out to me.

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