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Agent presence automatically changes to 'online' when consulted

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Hope to find someone who's familiar with the following issue and knows what to do about it:
In our organization we've recently started using Microsoft Customer Care Voice for out customer contact. In the team where we've started we've got like 30 people working in customer care. However they are not dedicated call agents, but also do a lot of other stuff like e-mail, back-office etc. There are two to four people available for incoming calls at the same time. These agents set their presense to online which makes that calls are offered to them. Other colleagues have their presence set to admin, mail or whatever. 
The problem however is that when an agent working on a call transfers the call to another colleague (working e-mail for example) or even consults this person, his/her status automatically changes to online after the consult/transfer. Result is that the next call in the queue is directly offered to this colleague and he can do no more than wait it out for 40 seconds until the call goes to the next colleague or back in the queue. This is obviously very annoying for customers, but also messes up reporting and frustrates colleagues. 
  • Suggested answer
    Agent presence automatically changes to 'online' when consulted
    Thanks Ward010,
    We've looked at this workaround before hoping to solve the issue. The problem is however that agents can't consult - or transfer to agents being Away or DND. Maybe we've overlooked something? 
  • Ward010 Profile Picture
    Ward010 on at
    Agent presence automatically changes to 'online' when consulted
    Regarding statuses being automatically reset the following is present in the documentation (

    When agents manually set their presence to "Available" or "Busy", the status persists until they accept a new conversation or close an in-progress conversation. The system recalculates the new presence based on capacity utilization. The currently assigned work items remain assigned.

    I suppose  the statusses "Admin", "Mail",... are custom onces related to the "busy" base status? If so I would think it can be resolved by relating them to "Away" or "DND". 

    The reset from lunch breack I would not except when reading the documentation if is is related to the "Away" base status.

  • Agent presence automatically changes to 'online' when consulted
    We have same problem. We are using MS call. 
    Aside. Another issue. Agent would like to take a short break or lunch break. After completing the call the agent changes its status to lunch (away) when call handling(wrap-up) is finished agent closes the conversation then system changes "away" status to "available". Then, the next customer in the queue is directed to that agent who wishes to take a break. 

    In other words, if there are customers waiting, the agent can't take a break without rejecting an incoming call.

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