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Microsoft Dynamics GP forum

GP 2010 Ctree Error

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Posted on by 75,730

Client calls this morning and gets this error message when going to Cards->Sales->Customer

Serious c-tree error, status code 237, application will terminate. User gets kicks out of GP. I have cleared all tnt files, rebooted, reinstalled GP 2010 and the problem remains. She can go anywhere else in GP with no problem. She can go to another computer and have no problem and no one else is experiencing this issue.

I am out of ideas. Anyone have any suggestions?

  • Suggested answer
    David Musgrave MVP GPUG All Star Legend Moderator Profile Picture
    David Musgrave MVP ... 13,781 Super User on at
    GP 2010 Ctree Error
    Assuming you are using SQL Server as your main database platform, the only ctree files used are for local temporary tables or memory tables. Both types are stored in the workstation's temp folder (as pointed to by %TEMP%).
    You need to confirm drive space and I suggest deleting the folder contents immediately after a reboot (at least the files and folders not locked).
    Then also make sure your antivirus exempts the ctree extensions. The AV software can prevent temp files being deleted properly after use.
    See the following article:
  • GP 2010 Ctree Error
    Internal corruption error. Seemingly the ISAM engine is attempting to perform an index search on a non-existent or corrupt index node. 
  • L Vail Profile Picture
    L Vail 65,269 on at
    RE: GP 2010 Ctree Error

    Not much here, but I have a list of nearly 1000 cTree error codes and it jumps from 199 to 400. Here's a link

    Kind regards,


  • Perry Smith - CRi Profile Picture
    Perry Smith - CRi 1,690 on at
    RE: GP 2010 Ctree Error

    I did try that and it still gave me the error.


  • Richard Wheeler Profile Picture
    Richard Wheeler 75,730 on at
    RE: GP 2010 Ctree Error

    Do you have a working computer where you can copy the entire GP folder from the good computer to the bad computer?

  • Perry Smith - CRi Profile Picture
    Perry Smith - CRi 1,690 on at
    RE: GP 2010 Ctree Error


    Yes I am.  It reared up today.  I deleted all temp files and it is still happening.  Suggested the client rebuild the workstation as I copied the GP directory from a working system to no avail.

    They are on GP 09 and it was a Windows 7 64 bit system.  Told them it was never tested or supported.

    Thanks for the quick answer.  I'll post if I figure it out.

  • Richard Wheeler Profile Picture
    Richard Wheeler 75,730 on at
    RE: GP 2010 Ctree Error

    No I did not. Are you seeing this issue now? Usually this was some kind of temp file issue. Go into your %temp% folder and delete all that you can plus any tnt files in your Dynamics folder.

  • Perry Smith - CRi Profile Picture
    Perry Smith - CRi 1,690 on at
    RE: GP 2010 Ctree Error


    I had a client come up with this error on GP 9 today.  Did you ever get a solution?

  • Richard Wheeler Profile Picture
    Richard Wheeler 75,730 on at
    RE: GP 2010 Ctree Error

    Excellent Ian. Thank you. I had spelled ctree this way as opposed to c-tree. Perhaps that is why when I searched this KB did not appear.

  • Ian Richardson Profile Picture
    Ian Richardson 4,150 on at
    RE: GP 2010 Ctree Error

    hi Richard

    Some of the files referenced here are still in use.  They may be the culprit

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