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New Zealand Dynamics 365 Finance & Operatio...

New Zealand Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations User Group

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Posted on by User Group Leader

Thanks for coming to the August 2022 session!

A massive thank you to everyone who attended or virtually joined our August 2022 D365 F&O NZ User Group event yesterday afternoon. Rockstar turnout - 54 (with 32 in the room) - so great to see all of you out and about and attending events in person again! Also a big thanks to our hosts Microsoft NZ for the venue, drinks and quiz prizes!

For UG members, as always, you can find the slides and photos hosted on Communities (here)


Next session
We're tentatively earmarking mid-October or early-November for our next in-person UG session. Keep an ear out on Communities for more info coming! Some of you have noted issues with notifications, please reach out if you're experiencing this, we'll see if we can help out.

Feedback & suggestions
If you'd like to offer feedback or suggestions, please check out our feedback form (, or reach out to anyone in the leadership committee.

All the best and see you next time! Stay safe, all :)

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Tina Haerr Profile Picture

Tina Haerr 430

SaverioT Profile Picture

SaverioT 317

Anas Amer Profile Picture

Anas Amer 10


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