I am a part time volunteer for a small non-profit health clinic. I am an IT professional, so thought I would help them to modernize some of their software and processes. The marketing materials for the volunteer management system look to be exactly what we need, but implementation has been a nightmare so far. Due to previous issues (a Microsoft bug) with the deployment, I am not completely convinced that my current deployments are complete and correct, but I have no way of knowing. Full disclosure: I am brand new to the whole M365 environment, administration, dynamics, portals, the whole works.
I created a specific environment where I deployed the Volunteer Management (VM) and Volunteer Engagement (VE) apps. I can see the VM Daily Dashboard (which is empty because i haven't created anything yet). Portal management shows two websites. The first has the primary domain xxxx.powerappsportals.com which I specified during install. There are a handful of Contoso sample/default pages in that site, nothing specific to volunteering. The second has a made up primary domain name with "dev1" in the URL. It has some extra volunteer-specific pages, but the URL doesn't work, results in an error when I try to go there.
We have a web developer who is working to publish the web site (on Wordpress). I am planning to have him publish a link for people to use to get into the volunteer system and review opportunities, register, etc. But so far I can't figure out what that link would be. I want to use (test) the system as though I were a registering volunteer, but I can't figure out where to do that.
Also, does anyone have links to any good, thorough documentation for VE/VM? In my professional career over the past 2 years I have transitioned to being a Power BI developer, and the amount of Microsoft and third-party documentation is immense. I can barely find anything for the VE/VM.