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Get batch job history log from D365 FO to Power Automate

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Does anyone know how to retrieve the batch job history log from D365FO and use that information in a Power Automate flow?

For example, I want to create a flow that emails me the “Message Details” shown on the right, directly to my inbox.

How can I import the information on the right into Power Automate? Is it feasible without any development work?

Thank you for your time, and I look forward to any guidance you can provide.
Best regards, Herman Sanne-Halvorsen
  • Verified answer
    Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 225,425 Super User on at
    Get batch job history log from D365 FO to Power Automate
    It requires a data entity in F&O providing such data. If it already exists, it doesn't require any development, otherwise you need to create a new entity or extend an existing one (if there is an entity but it doesn't have all the fields, for example).
    There is an entity for batch job history (BatchJobHistoryEntity), but it's not public, therefore it can't be used via OData (which includes Dataverse virtual entities). Also, it doesn't contain information about infolog messages. Therefore development seems to be necessary.

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