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Marketing emails not showing on Contact timeline

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Hi all,
I am trying to show marketing emails on the timeline of contacts but cannot seem to get it to work.
We are using the OOTB "Contact" form and I have looked at the documentation that says "If you use the out-of-the-box contact and lead forms provided with Customer Insights - Journeys, marketing interactions (based on Customer Insights - Journeys and outbound marketing activities) will automatically show up in the timeline" (
The custom connector that is mentioned on the above link is also already added on the timeline control on the form:
Still no marketing interactions can be seen on the timeline.
Any suggestions on how this can be solved?
Thank you in advance! 
  • LA-02051057-0 Profile Picture
    LA-02051057-0 17 on at
    Marketing emails not showing on Contact timeline
    Thank you for the suggestions.
    I gave now given permissions to:
    • msdynmkt_marketingform – Form
    But it still does not work to see the marketing emails in the timeline for the users or for the system administrator.
    We do have the "Insights" tab on the form, but even as the system administrator I get these errors (on the real-time journeys tab. the outbound marketing tab works) even though the role has permission to all these tables:
    • msdyncrm_marketingemail – Marketing email
    • msevtmgt_event – Event
    • msdyncrm_marketingform – Marketing form
    • msdyncrm_website – Marketing website
    • msdynmkt_email – Email
    • msdynmkt_pushnotification – Push notification
    • msdynmkt_sms – Text message
    • msdynmkt_marketingform – Form
    • msdyncrm_customerinsightsinfo
    When checking error details this error is shown:

    Failed to get data due to CdpaNotFoundEventLoggerManagerException: Microsoft.Dynamics.Cxp.SCPrime.AnalyticsEventLogger.Exceptions.CdpaNotFoundEventLoggerManagerException: No CdpaProject was found for [rtm-Analytics] while environment state is 0
    at Microsoft.Dynamics.Cxp.SCPrime.AnalyticsEventLogger.Strategies.CxpCdpaProjectStrategy.GetCpdaProjectFromEnvironmentTracker(CdpaProject cdpaProject, CxpEnvironment env, String productName, String projectName) in /__w/1/s/src/Services/SCPrime/AnalyticsEventLogger/src/Strategies/CxpCdpaProjectStrategy.cs:line 68
    at Microsoft.Dynamics.Cxp.SCPrime.AnalyticsEventLogger.Strategies.CxpCdpaProjectStrategy.GetCpdaProject(Guid organizationId, String productName, String projectName, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in /__w/1/s/src/Services/SCPrime/AnalyticsEventLogger/src/Strategies/CxpCdpaProjectStrategy.cs:line 50
    at Microsoft.Dynamics.Cxp.Analytics.Service.CdpaProjectManager.GetCdpaProject(Guid organizationId, String productName, String projectName, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in /__w/1/s/src/Services/Analytics/src/Service/Services/CdpaProjectManager.cs:line 123
    at Microsoft.Dynamics.Cxp.Analytics.Service.CdpaProjectManager.GetProjectId(String organizationId, ProjectType projectType, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in /__w/1/s/src/Services/Analytics/src/Service/Services/CdpaProjectManager.cs:line 83
    at Microsoft.Dynamics.Cxp.Analytics.Service.Widgets.AriaInteractionsProvider.GetValues(IEnumerable`1 sources, WidgetRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in /__w/1/s/src/Services/Analytics/src/Service/Widgets/AriaInteractionsProvider.cs:line 204
    at Analytics.Widgets.Core.Strategies.InteractionWidgetStrategy.GetWidgetData(WidgetDefinitionModel`1 widgetDefinition, WidgetRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in /__w/1/s/src/Services/Analytics/src/Analytics.Widgets.Core/Strategies/InteractionWidgetStrategy.cs:line 65
    at Analytics.Widgets.Core.Strategies.ChartWidgetDataStrategy.GetWidgetData(WidgetDefinitionModel`1 widgetDefinition, WidgetRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in /__w/1/s/src/Services/Analytics/src/Analytics.Widgets.Core/Strategies/ChartWidgetDataStrategy.cs:line 193
    at Analytics.Widgets.Core.Strategies.ChartWidgetDataStrategy.GetDataImpl(WidgetRequest request, WidgetDefinitionModel`1 definition, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in /__w/1/s/src/Services/Analytics/src/Analytics.Widgets.Core/Strategies/ChartWidgetDataStrategy.cs:line 62
    at Analytics.Widgets.Core.Strategies.ChartWidgetDataStrategy.GetData(WidgetRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in /__w/1/s/src/Services/Analytics/src/Analytics.Widgets.Core/Strategies/ChartWidgetDataStrategy.cs:line 54
    at Analytics.Widgets.Core.Controllers.WidgetsController.<>c__DisplayClass5_0.<<GetChartWidgetData>b__0>d.MoveNext() in /__w/1/s/src/Services/Analytics/src/Analytics.Widgets.Core/Controllers/WidgetsController.cs:line 48
    --- End of stack trace from previous location ---
    at Analytics.Widgets.Core.Controllers.WidgetsController.GetWidgetsData[T](WidgetRequest request, Func`1 getDataFunction)
    at Microsoft.Dynamics.Cxp.Analytics.Service.Controllers.WidgetsController.GetWidgetsData[T](Guid organizationId, Func`1 getDataFunction) in /__w/1/s/src/Services/Analytics/src/Service/Controllers/WidgetsController.cs:line 123
  • meganvwalker Profile Picture
    meganvwalker 1,792 on at
    Marketing emails not showing on Contact timeline
    Also, this might be useful if you've not seen it before. Just trying to think of other things that might help you!
  • Suggested answer
    meganvwalker Profile Picture
    meganvwalker 1,792 on at
    Marketing emails not showing on Contact timeline
    In addition, you also need to add in the new Real-time Marketing forms as part of the security, which will be this: 
    • msdynmkt_marketingform – Form
    This might be useful but it depends what security role the users already have and if they are using the Marketing App or a different one and also talks about access to the Insights tab. 
  • LA-02051057-0 Profile Picture
    LA-02051057-0 17 on at
    Marketing emails not showing on Contact timeline
    Thank you for the response!
    Customer Insights Journeys is installed and outbound marketing as well:
    We have also checked the permission requirements and my user have sufficient permissions but still cannot see the marketing emails on the timeline.
  • Suggested answer
    Dengliang Li Profile Picture
    Dengliang Li Microsoft Employee on at
    Marketing emails not showing on Contact timeline
    Do you have a Customer Insights Journeys instance installed in your environment?
    Is the Outbound Marketing module enabled in your Customer Insights-Journeys instance?

    I am using the Customer Insights-Journeys trial version, which only includes the real-time marketing feature.
    Connectors for real-time marketing interactions and outbound marketing interactions are automatically added to the contact's timeline.
    Due to trial restrictions, I can only see interactions in the real-time marketing module on the timeline.
    In addition, do you meet the following permission requirements?
    Best Regards,
    Dengliang Li

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