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Best Entities to store Exam Marks and Results

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Hi, we are looking to adopt the CDM but exam results and marks don't seem to feature, so wondering what others have done. Thanks in advance.

  • Best Entities to store Exam Marks and Results
    Hello, it appears that this is an excellent match; many thanks! The accelerator entity list didn't contain that item. Please provide a link to the location where I can read this description. 
  • Verified answer
    RE: Best Entities to store Exam Marks and Results

    You can find the document here

    Hope that answered your query!

  • Suggested answer
    fp082136 Profile Picture
    fp082136 5 on at
    RE: Best Entities to store Exam Marks and Results

    Hi, that looks like a really good fit - thanks so much. I couldn't see that entity on the accelerator entity list. Can you send me a link for where to find this description please?

  • Suggested answer
    RE: Best Entities to store Exam Marks and Results

    Did you check out the Assessment and related entities. That would be a fit for what you're looking for, right?


    Regards, Mayank

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