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Job card terminal shows all the jobs allocated to the resources irrespective of the filter.

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Posted on by 14
Hello all,
I have a problem in the Job card terminal, When i login to the job card terminal i am using a filter with specific resource as below. 
But once the job registration page opens it shows the job allocated to all the resource. Can someone help why we have this issue.
I have checked Job card terminal parameter, worker and user setup.
  • Chaithra Nagaraj Profile Picture
    Chaithra Nagaraj 14 on at
    Job card terminal shows all the jobs allocated to the resources irrespective of the filter.
    Hi Kevin,
    Thanks for the suggestion, I have already set the Configuration to Allow workers to set personal filters.  But i still have same problem.
  • Suggested answer
    Kevin Xia Profile Picture
    Kevin Xia Microsoft Employee on at
    Job card terminal shows all the jobs allocated to the resources irrespective of the filter.
    You can refer to this official document: Configure job card for devices - Supply Chain Management | Dynamics 365 | Microsoft LearnThis article describes the various options for configuring job card devices. Allow workers to set personal filters - Set this option to Yes to allow workers to filter the jobs shown to them on the device. The worker can modify values for any of the three filter criteria: Production unitResource group and Resource. Only jobs that are scheduled on resources matching the selected filter criteria will be shown on the device.
    Best regards,

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