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Dynamics 365 Community / Forums / Finance forum / What is the purpose o...
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What is the purpose of use BYOD ?

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Dear All

Can you please let me know when we use exactly BYOD ( Bring your own database).

What is the purpose  of use BYOD ?

Please give me more she'd on this


  • Suggested answer
    RE: What is the purpose of use BYOD ?

    Entity store (AxDW) and BYOD are not same. If you go through the MS documentation here, you will find a section "Entity store or BYOD", which will help you understand how they are different.

    Apart from this, there are multiple posts you can check regarding their differences. I am listing down a couple of them here -

    MsDyn365FO Entity Store (AxDW) vs. BYOD – MsDyn365FO.Blog (

    Umm… What’s the difference between entity store and BYOD? (

  • @rp@n Profile Picture
    @rp@n on at
    RE: What is the purpose of use BYOD ?

    For power bi report we usually connected with AXDW database.

    In case of BYOD, is it create a replica of AXDW?  I mean separate database.

    Please give me more shed on this

  • Verified answer
    Sukrut Parab Profile Picture
    Sukrut Parab on at
    RE: What is the purpose of use BYOD ?

    Other tools can not access D365 Db directly but with your own DB you can export data out of D365 and query this database and do your reporting.

  • @rp@n Profile Picture
    @rp@n on at
    RE: What is the purpose of use BYOD ?

    Thanks all,

    So, mostly we r using BYOD to get access other tools to generate report from D365FO where we use our own DB not d365fo DB.


  • Verified answer
    RE: What is the purpose of use BYOD ?

    -You can dump the data (either from D365FO or another resource) and generate report based on the data.

    -You don't need to hit the D365FO DB whenever you are generating report.

  • RE: What is the purpose of use BYOD ?

    Hi @rp@n,

    What do you mean with "real example documents step by step"? The documentation provided above is already a step-by-step document. There are over 1500 data entities, a lot of reporting tools which can connect to a database for reporting. The options to do something with this database are in fact unlimited.

  • @rp@n Profile Picture
    @rp@n on at
    RE: What is the purpose of use BYOD ?

    Thanks everyone

    Can you please send me any real example documents step by step  so that I can follow...


  • Verified answer
    Jie G Profile Picture
    Jie G on at
    RE: What is the purpose of use BYOD ?

    If you need more than built-in integration of operational reports with Power BI provided by Entity store, and require T-SQL access to data, you can use BYOD. In summary, the purpose of BYOD:
    1. Define one or more SQL databases that you can export entity data from Finance and Operations into.
    2. Export either all the records (full push) or only the records that have changed or been deleted (incremental push).
    3. Use the rich scheduling capabilities of the Finance and Operations batch framework to enable periodic exports.
    4. Access the entity database by using Transact-SQL (T-SQL), and even extend the database by adding more tables.

  • Verified answer
    Sukrut Parab Profile Picture
    Sukrut Parab on at
    RE: What is the purpose of use BYOD ?

    You can export data though entities in your own db . You can use that data further to build your reports using power BI etc.

  • @rp@n Profile Picture
    @rp@n on at
    RE: What is the purpose of use BYOD ?

    Thanks Sukrut

    I go through the link and what I understand here reporting purpose means only data Export with using Entity. Not SSRS report.

    Is it correct?

    Please give me more she'd on this

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