Hi Guys,
Hope someone can help here. I have read through the Business Events (BE) and Power Automate (PA) triggering issues in the forum and several blogs etc. and have tried all that was mentioned.
I feel sure that I am missing something fundamental here
So I have two environments
One everything seems to work fine re BE triggering a PA
The other doesn't work for some BEs (Workflow workitem) but it does work for Alerts
I have created an alert on a customer record where I change a classification field - it triggers the Alert Batch job - which call the Business Event which triggers the Power Automate and sends me an email
This all works fine
However when I do the same for a Business Event that uses 'Workflow workitem' category- say Purchase Requisition - the BE does not trigger the PA - it is referenced correctly the flow endpoints are there the events are active. I have written the simples PA just receiving the BE and sending email - The link between the BE and PA for 'Workflow workitem' is just not being made.
Am I missing anything obvious here that anyone can think of, any help appreciated?