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Wanting to use a DV Opportunity as an activity in CI

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On syncing Dataverse data I've attempted to Use an OOB Opportunity entity/table but have been unable to select any fields from the opportunity for the Event Activity. The error received is 'Error: Couldn't add, update, or delete activities

  1. Add failed for activities: description'

When i use an DV activitypointer entity and use the DV field 'description' for the event activity the CI activity saves ok.

What data type is required for this field? Or is that dependent upon the Activity Type configured for the CI Activity?

  • Phil K Profile Picture
    Phil K 5 on at
    Wanting to use a DV Opportunity as an activity in CI
    Can you try to set up the opportunity as a sales order or sales order line?
  • Phil K Profile Picture
    Phil K 5 on at
    Wanting to use a DV Opportunity as an activity in CI
    Many thanks! I'm using our own Dynamics sales system. I'll try again with a more vanilla system and see what result i get.
  • Dengliang Li Profile Picture
    Dengliang Li Microsoft Employee on at
    Wanting to use a DV Opportunity as an activity in CI
    I did not encounter your issue in my testing.
    I am the global administrator and system administrator of the organization.
    The data source I'm connecting to is Customer Insights - Journeys trial version Dataverse environment.
    Best Regards,
    Dengliang Li

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